
(4) Checking and Resupplying Marine Gear Oil
1. Check the marine gear oil level with the dipstick.
2. Supply with the recommended oil if necessary.
Check the oil level with the dipstick while filling to the upper mark. See 3.4
(5) Checking and Resupplying Cooling Water
Burns from Scalding
• Never remove the filler cap of the fresh water tank while the engine is still
Steam and hot water will spurt out and seriously burn you. Wait until the
water temperature has dropped, then wrap a cloth around the cap and
loosen it slowly.
• After inspection, refasten the filler cap firmly. If the cap is not secure, steam
or scalding water may be emitted during operation causing bums.
1. Check the cooling water level in the subtank.
If the water level is close to the lower limit, remove the subtank cap and fill with fresh water to the upper
2. When the water level in the subtank is low, remove the filler cap for the fresh water tank and check the
amount of cooling water in the fresh water tank. Fill with fresh water the fresh water tank if the level is low.
See 3.5
• Check the fresh water level before operation while the engine is cold.
Checking the water level while the engine is hot is dangerous, and the cooling water reading will be mis-
leading due to thermal expansion.
• Check the cooling water daily at the subtank and supply if necessary.
Do not remove the fresh water tank filler cap regularly.
• The amount of water in the subtank will increase during operation. This is normal.
When the engine is stopped, the temperature of the cooling water will drop causing the extra water in the
subtank to return to the fresh water tank.
If the cooling water runs out too often, or if the water level in the fresh water tank falls with-
out any change in the subtank water level, there may be some leakage of water or air. In
such cases, consult your Yanmar dealer or distributor without delay.
(6) Checking the Remote Control Handle
Be sure to check that the remote control handle lever moves smoothly before use. If it is
hard to operate, lubricate the joints of the remote control cable and also the lever bearings.
If the lever comes out or there is play in the lever, adjust the remote control cable.
See 5.2.3(5)
(7) Preparing Reserves of Fuel, Lube Oil, and Cooling Water
Have sufficient fuel ready for the day’s operation. In addition, have a reserve of fuel, lube
oil, and cooling water (sufficient for at least one refill).