Operation Manual

Starting the player
Power on: Slide and hold the player’s power
switch to the
position for approximately
3 seconds to power on.
Power off: Slide and hold the power switch to
position for approximately 3 seconds to
power off. The system will power off automati-
cally when the battery is depleted.
In any mode, slide the power switch to the
position to lock the player in order to prevent
unintended operation.
Operating instructions:
Choose the “Music” option in the main menu;
then click the corresponding icon to enter into
Music interface.
Function description:
In the “Play list”, you can search for les/folders
by clicking
; then select the songs you
want to play by clicking the le name or .
Options: Current play (Resume play)/All music/
Artist/Album/My Favorite/Record/Dir List/
MediaLib Update
Remark: you can click
to add the chosen
item to your favourites folder after conrmation.
During music playback, click
to enter a
submenu; there are 5 options:
Repeat mode: Once/Repeat/All/All Repeat/Intro.
b. Play mode: In Order/Shufe.
c. MSEQ: 3D/Bass/LEQ.
d. EQ Sel: Normal/MSEQ/Rock/Pop/Classic/
Bass/Jazz/User EQ.
e. User EQ setup: Slide the ball up and down to
adjust the numeric value.
to adjust the volume.
/ to jump to the previous/next
song; press and hold to scan backward/forward
through the song.
to play, and click
to pause playback.
A-B replay
When playing music, click the
icon once.
The screen will display the letter “A-”. Conrm
this as the starting point of the replay segment
by clicking the
icon once again, and point
“B” will appear. Conrm the ending point of the
replay segment and the replay icon A-B is set.
Replay between A and B will now begin. Click
icon again to cancel A-B replay.
Lyrics synchronisation
When a song is being played that is in the same
folder as the corresponding lyrics le (.LRC), the
lyrics will automatically be shown in the Music
mode interface. The player supports lyrics les
in LRC format.
Lyrics can be added as follows:
1. Choose an MP3 or WMA le, for example
2. Download a lyrics le from the Internet.
Lyrics les have the le name extension LRC,
for example “lovemusic-2007.lrc”.
3. Rename the lyrics le to match the name of
the corresponding music le, for example
Copy both les into the same folder on the player.
5. Start playback of the music le. The lyrics will
be displayed on the screen in synch with the
music as it is being played. Click the screen
and hold for about 2 seconds; the lyrics will
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