User's Manual

User Guide for the SIP-T41P IP Phone
Incoming calls to this line will be distributed evenly among the available line keys.
Similarly, outgoing calls will be distributed.
Your phone can be configured to have a combination of lines with a single line key and
lines with multiple line keys.
Dial Plan
Dial plan is a string of characters that governs the way your SIP-T41PIP phone processes
the inputs received from your phone keypad. The SIP-T41P IP phone supports the
following dial plan features:
z Replace Rule
z Dial-now
z Area Code
z Block Out
The basic expression syntax you need to know:
Syntax Description
The dot "." can be used as a placeholder or multiple placeholders for
any character. Example:
"12." would match "123", "1234", "12345", "12abc", etc.
An "x" can be used as a placeholder for any character. Example:
"12x" would match "121", "122", "123", "12a", etc.
The square brackets "[]" can be used as a placeholder for a single
character which matches any of a set of characters. Example:
"91[5-7]1234" would match "9151234", "9161234", "9171234", etc.
The parentheses "( )" can be used to group together patterns, for
instance, to logically combine two or more patterns. Example:
"([1-9])([2-7])3" would match "923", "153", "773",etc.
The “$” should be followed by the sequence number of a parenthesis.
The “$” plus the sequence number means the whole character or
characters placed in the parenthesis. The number directs to the right
parenthesis when there are more than one. Example:
A replace rule configuration: Prefix: "9([5-7])(.)", Replace: "5$2". When
you enter "96123" to dial out on your phone, the number will be
replaced as "5123" and then dialed out. “$2” means the characters in
the second parenthesis, that is, “123”.
You can configure the dial plan rules via web user interface only.