User's Manual

Customizing Your Phone
Emergency Number
Public telephone networks in countries around the world have a single emergency
telephone number (emergency services number), that allows a caller to contact local
emergency services for assistance when required. The emergency telephone number
may differ from country to country. It is typically a three-digit number so that it can be
easily remembered and dialed quickly. Some countries have a different emergency
number for each of the different emergency services.
You can specify the emergency telephone numbers on the IP phone for contacting
the emergency services in an emergency situation.
To specify emergency numbers via web user interface:
1. Click on Phone->Features.
2. Click the “+” sign on the left of the Phone Lock to expand the feature list.
3. Enter the emergency services number in the Emergency field. For multiple numbers,
enter a "," between each emergency number.
The default emergency numbers are 112,911 and 110.
4. Click Confirm to accept the change.
Live Dialpad
You can enable the live dialpad feature on the SIP-T46G IP phone, which enables the IP
phone to automatically dial out the phone number without pressing any other key. You
can also configure a period of time before automatically dialing out the phone
To enable the live dialpad via web user interface:
1. Click on Phone->Features.
2. Click the “+” sign on the left of the General Information to expand the feature list.
3. Select Enabled from the pull-down list of Live Dialpad.
4. Enter the desired delay time (0~14s) in the Inter Digit Time (1~14) (seconds) field.
5. Click Confirm to accept the change.
The default delay time of live dialpad feature is 4s.
You can configure live dialpad via web user interface only.
Contact your local phone service provider for available emergency numbers in your