User Guide

Basic Call Features
2. Do one of the following:
- Press the Answer soft key to answer the incoming call.
The original call will be placed on hold.
- Press the FWD soft key to forward the incoming call to another contact.
- Press the Silence soft key to ignore the incoming call.
- Press More->Reject to reject the incoming call.
- Press More->FWD VM to forward the incoming call to voice mail.
Call waiting is configurable via web user interface at the path Features->General
Information->Call Waiting.
Call waiting tone is configurable via web user interface at the path Features->Audio->Call
Waiting Tone.
Call Mute
You can mute the microphone of the active audio device during an active call, and then the
other party cannot hear you. Call mute applies to all modes (Handset, Headset and
To mute a call:
1. Press during an active call.
The LCD screen indicates that the call is muted. The mute key LED illuminates solid red
when the call is muted.
To un-mute a call:
1. Press again to un-mute the call.
Call Hold/Resume
You can place an active call on hold. Only one active call can be in progress on the phone at any
time. Other calls can be made and received while placing the original call on hold. If Music on
Hold feature is enabled, the phone will play built-in music when an active call is placed on hold.