User Guide

Basic Call Features
Press the Ignore soft key to permanently remove the reminder from the screen and stop
all future reminders for this schedule.
Press the Snooze soft key to temporarily remove the reminder from the screen, until the
next schedule reminder. The reminder will appear every 5 minutes and also appear 1
minute before the schedule starts.
Press the Detail soft key to view specific information.
If you receive a reminder of a Skype conference, you can:
Press the Ignore soft key to permanently remove the reminder from the screen and stop
all future reminders for the Skype conference.
Press the Snooze soft key to temporarily remove the reminder from the screen, until the
next schedule reminder. The reminder will appear every 5 minutes before the Skype
conference starts. The phone will pop up the reminder before 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5
minutes and 1 minute before Skype conference.
Press the Detail soft key to view specific information about the Skype conference,
including the Skype conference’s subject, participants, organizer, start and end time,
location and content.
Press the Join soft key to join the Skype conference.
When the phone is locked, you can press the Ignore or Snooze soft key without unlocking the
phone. But you need to unlock the phone to view detailed information and join the Skype