User manual

© 2011 Racktivity NV 149/160
Antwerpsesteenweg 19 - 9080 Lochristi - Belgium - v 2014.5.14
Sensor Data Macro
Sensor Data Macro allows you to show information from a specific sensor module that is
connected to a specific Energy Switch.
This macro accepts the following parameters:
guid: sensor module global unique identifier
type: type of the environmental sensor
refresh: number of seconds after which the data will be refreshed
[[sensordata: guid=1609008f-1006-49f4-b599-e3eeecfdebd2, type=sensormodule,
Stacked Area Chart Macro
The Stacked Area Chart Macro allows you to view certain data for a particular object
(location, datacenter, pdu etc.) and its children objects. For instance a graph with one of
the following types of data can be shown:
Active energy
Frequency etc.
This macro accepts the following parameters:
type: the type of data to be shown (power, active energy, voltage etc.)
guid: object global unique identifier
guids: object children global unique identifiers separated using url-escaped commas: '%2C'.
timespan: show data for a particular time interval. For instance use 'e-1d' to show only data
for last day. Other possible values are: 'e-1w' (last week) or 'e-1m' (last month).
label: the label to be used for the graph.
resolution: number of seconds for each data sample represented on the graph.
[[stackedareachart:timespan=e-1d, type=activeenergy, guids=564948b0-7858-
43a4-a85e-8972be3dd86a%2C564948b0-7858-43a4-a85e-8972be3dd86b, refresh=30,
label=Active Energy, guid=2b0b1bac-427f-4d65-9b02-c6d30d994051,
resolution=900, types=activeenergy]][[/stackedareachart]]