User manual

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Antwerpsesteenweg 19 - 9080 Lochristi - Belgium - v 2014.5.14
Search function in DCPM
Simple Search
In the Simple mode DCPM returns all the pages that contain the searched words in the title,
labels or their content.
Advanced Search
In the Advanced mode DCPM gives you three possibilities to look up information. You have these
three search fields at your disposal:
By entering data in the Title box, DCPM looks up for matching page titles or object names in its
database. Matching pages are displayed as you type, which make it very user-friendly.
For example, searching for 'Home' will return all the pages that have the title Home.
You can also search using tags and labels. Currently, when a page is created, a default tag is
For example: space:space_name; where space_name is the name of the space that the page
belongs to.
The objects also get default tags.
For example, since all this documentation pages belong to the 'Doc' space, searching
for Doc’ returns all the pages in the space since they were all assigned that tag during creation.
Searching for 'floor' will return the pages of all the floor objects.
NOTE: The Label search field is comma separated, which means you can search for several tags
and labels at the same time in order to narrow down your search results.
The Search field is a search field as any other search; whatever you write will be searched for in
all the pages. For example, if you search for the word 'create', all the pages that contain that
word are displayed.