Owner's Manual

1. Input Switch (Line Level and
Speaker Level)
The Input switch, located beside the UCS1P
Input Combi-Jack, is provided to switch the
input level between line level and speaker
level. Choose speaker level when the UCS1P
is fed directly from the output of an amplifier
or powered-mixer.
CAUTION: Do not plug in two speaker level
sources into one UCS1P!
The line level position is for use when the
UCS1P is fed a signal directly from a proces-
sor, electronic crossover or the output of an
line-level mixer. When using the line level
mode, the use of balanced TRS (Tip, Ring,
Sleeve) and/or XLR cables will reduce the
unit’s sensitivity to hum and buzz.
2. UCS1P Level Control
The UCS1P Level control adjusts the amount
of bass added to the sound system by the
UCS1P. This adjusts for the relative sensitivity of
the companion full range speakers and the
desired system frequency response. This con-
trol should be set by operating at a medium
level and listening. Once a proper level has
been set, it should not be changed.
Note: It is not possible to set this control
properly at high levels since the UCS1P’s
limiter will affect the output level.
User Tip: A setting of 0 dB on the UCS1P Level
control is the correct starting point when setting
up a sound system. From there, adjustments
can be made for the best sound. The 0 dB mark
refers to the setting that will give full power
when the line input is used and the input signal
is at a level of +4 dBV.
3. Shape Control
The Shape control adjusts the most effec-
tive sub frequency – 50 Hz. You can vary the
equalization of the enclosure to emphasize
extremely low (deep) frequencies or tune it
to achieve maximum spl.
Note: In High SPL situations, a louder volume
can be achieved by using the Shape control in
the Loud position.
4. HF Rolloff Frequency Control
To help obtain the flattest frequency re-
sponse, the HF Rolloff Frequency control
varies the upper frequency rolloff point of
the UCS1P. This adjusts the crossover point
between your UCS1P and full-range cabinets
connected to the Hi-Pass Output jack.
The UCS1P is a premium quality integrated subwoofer and power
amplifier. Created as an easy-to-setup addition to any P.A., the
UCS1P will extend the bass of a typical sound system with
the least amount of complication. The UCS1P has been
intended to operate primarily with line level signals
(with the option to accept a single, mono speaker
level signal).
The UCS1P may be used in several different configura-
tions; the basic system is a single UCS1P (used for each
full range enclosure). Multiple UCS1Ps can be linked
with an individual full range enclosure. This is done by
connecting multiple UCS1Ps by way of the UCS1P’s Link
For normal operation, connect the UCS1P just like an
ordinary speaker along with the full range enclosures.
Set the Input Level switch to Speaker if the signal is
coming directly from a power amplifier, powered-mix-
er or another powered source. If the UCS1P is receiv-
ing the signal from a line-level mixer, a line-level signal
processor (as in an equalizer) or another line-level
source, set the input switch to Line.