
YSI BOD Analyst Pro
User Manual 91
Instrument Type
Select the DO instrument with which BOD Analyst Pro will communicate. The list includes the
YSI 5000, YSI 5100, YSI 52, YSI Pro, and YSI ProODO. All of the communication parameters
(baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits, flow control, and timeout) are programmed into the
software for the specific instrument type you selected. You can not change these parameters.
The ProODO is shown above.
The default instrument is the 5100.
Comm Port
The program can communicate with YSI DO instruments using any available Comm port. Make
certain the instrument is in Remote Mode if required. Once the physical connection is made the
program recognizes and lists serial ports in use. Click on the List Active Ports button to pop up a
window showing the serial connections. Select and enter the COM port that you have identified
as connected to the YSI instrument.
COM5 is shown above.
The default condition is COM0.
Test Instrument Communications
Click the Test Instrument Communication button.
A successful connection will return a message showing relevant data or information from the
If the connection is not properly set an error code will return with possible causes listed.
Refer to Section 1.2 for more detail on connections and communications setup in general.