User's Manual

Basic Operation
Turning the Power On
Depress the power button for about two seconds to turn
on the power.
The LCD screen turns on and the main screen is displayed.
Turning the Power O
Use the Shutdown menu in the Start Menu to turn o
the device while Windows is running.
If the system locks up while using the device, depress
the power button on the left for a long duration while
the device is on to turn the power o.
Avoid turning o by using the button as the working les
may not be saved.
Turning o the power with the button works depending
on the power option conguration of Windows.
Touch the desired location on LCD screen.
Touching one location for a long time has the same eect as
a right click.
Double Touch
It has the same eect as a double-click of a PC mouse.
Touch the desired location twice consecutively.
Touch the desired location, move to the desired location
while holding the nger on the screen, and release at
the nal destination.
It has the same eect as the drag function with a PC mouse.
Turning the Power On/O
Touch Screen