User's Guide

Find and Install an App
When you install apps from Play Store app and use them on your tablet, they may require access to your
personal information (such as your location, contact data, and more) or access to certain functions or
settings of your tablet. Download and install only apps that you trust.
1. From home, swipe up and tap Play Store .
2. Browse through the categories (Games, Apps, Movies & TV, Books), find an item you're
interested in, and tap the name.
Search for an app. Tap Search for apps & games on the top of the home screen, enter the
name or type of app you’re looking for, and then tap on the keyboard.
3. Tap an app to read a description about the app and user reviews.
4. Tap Install (for free applications) or the price (for paid applications).
Note: If you have not already done so, you will need to set up a payment method to purchase paid apps
from Play Store.
The selected app is downloaded and installed on your tablet.
Warning: Read the notification carefully! Be especially cautious with applications that have access to
many functions or a significant amount of your data. Once you tap OK on this screen, you are responsible
for the results of using this item on your tablet.
Purchasing Applications
Purchase apps at your own risk. Your carrier is not responsible for any harm to you or third parties
resulting from the use of purchased applications.