User Manual

1 Model Name
2 Frames Per Second for Video Recording Buon
3 Status Informaon
4 Direcon to Home Point
5 Clock/Current Time
6 GPS Status and Number of Satellites for ST10
7 5.8GHz WiFi Video Link Status
8 ST10 Baery Charge Level Status Icon
9 Aircra Baery Voltage
10 Altude of Aircra (Above Ground Level)
11 Ground Speed of Aircra
12 Distance of Aircra from Home Point
13 Model Select Menu Buon
14 Flight Sengs Menu Buon
15 System Sengs Menu Buon
16 Latude/Longitude Posion of Aircra
17 Number of Satellites for Aircra
18 GPS Status for Aircra
19 Flight Mode of Aircra
The ST10 is equipped with a touchscreen display that allows for changing various sengs and viewing real-me telemetry data and streaming video during
QUICK TIP: Double tap on the screen to increase the size of the video viewing area to full-screen and double tap again to return to the standard size).
WARNING: NEVER aempt to fly the Q500 via First-Person View (FPV). There’s a slight ‘lag’ in the CGO2-GB streaming video downlink to the ST10, and
as a result the streaming video/FPV should only be used for aligning camera shots and not for flying! Aempng to fly via FPV can result in a crash that will
cause damage to the product, property and/or cause serious injury.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Streaming video from the CGO2-GB to the ST10 and to a separate phone/tablet (or another Yuneec transmier/personal ground
staon) at the same me is NOT recommended as it will result in a very significant lag in the video downlink.
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