
IV. Once the Manual mode was switched on there is a
M shows on the Flight mode indicator , and the rear
motor led will turn blue
When using Manual Mode you can take off before the drone was located by GPS system.
But the drone can't hover by itself. The pilot must trim the joystick manually and continuously other-
wise the drone will drift away.
Even if the Manual mode has been switched on , The Drone position system will still enabled
in follow conditions.
1.The drone y in to the No-y zone , the drone will switch to Angle mode automatically to prevent
you y the drone into the No-y zone.
2.Low battery , the drone will switch to Home mode or Auto Landing mode.
The Typhoon H3 drifts away from the wind when the pilot is not steering. Crashes are also
excluded from the guarantee.
I. Power on the controller and drone waiting for the
communication established.
II. Waiting Drone and controller located by GPS , the
GPS count must at least 10.
III. Tap setting icon
[ ]
, and slide the Flight Modes
Switch to right the Smart Mode icon will turn green.