
Gallery Function
The main function of Gallery preview enables UAV to see the pictures and videos taken by itself on
the remote control without pulling out the SD card in the camera. It realizes that UAV can check the
aerial effect of its own aerial photos without landing, so that users can quickly reshoot for the unsatis-
factory photos or videos, greatly improving the efciency of aerial photos of UAV.
Click the Gallery button to enter the Gallery function by default. You can choose to browse the picture
or video through the Image and video selection slider at the top of the screen.
Under this function, you can preview the photos or videos taken before. Click the Edit button in the
upper left corner. The original Edit button will become the Cancel button. A circle will appear in the
lower right corner of the picture or video in the preview menu. Click the picture you want to select to
select. A √ icon will appear in the lower right corner after the picture is selected to indicate that the
current picture has been selected. In the edit mode, you can click the upper right corner Press the
select all or Select None button in the corner to quickly select photos or videos. Click the Delete
button in the lower left corner to delete the selected photos. Click the Cancel button to exit the gallery
editing function.
1.Click the photo icon in the lower right corner to
enter the gallery function