User's Manual

fo rebmun eht gniretne retfA
days [Days], touch [ENT].
deretne syad fo rebmun ehT
in [Days] is displayed.
4. Set the packing order.
You can display [Srel] and [Rept]
alternatively by touching the frame.
[Morning – Morning – Morning]
[Noon – Noon – Noon]
[Early evening – Early evening – Early evening]
[Morning- Noon – Early evening]
[Morning- Noon – Early evening
[Morning- Noon – Early evening]
5. Touch [Add].
The screen is switched to the
screen for entering the drug
and the dispensing pattern.
6. Set the drug.
When the capital letter of the drug name
is selected, the list of the drugs with
the capital letter is displayed. (1)
Touch the drug to be used. (2)
In case of the DTA prescription,
do not select any drug.