User's Manual

[Re fill information entry]
You can go to the re fill information entry screen by reading the drug name
by its barcode and clicking the displayed drug name while the re fill screen is
1. Read the drug name using its
barcode and click the displayed
drug name.
2. Enter the manufacturing number
(up to 20 alphanumeric
Touch the manufacturing number
display item and enter alphanumeric
characters using the numeric keypad.
1 Repeat of 1@1
2 Repeat of 2ABC2
3 Repeat of 3DEF3
4 Repeat of 4GHI4
5 Repeat of 5JKL5
6 Repeat of 6MNO6
7 Repeat of 7PQRS7
8 Repeat of 8TUV8
9 Repeat of 9WXYZ9
0 0
(Move the cursor in the right direction.)
Clear Backspace