User's Manual

Main Menu Description
Setup Wizard (chapter 2) This is the most important section out of
the 6 sections. You must configure this
section to begin using the Internet
Gateway. The Setup wizard is where you
input the information required to connect
the Internet Gateway to your Internet
Service Provider (ISP).
Advanced Settings (chapter 5) The Advanced settings section is where
you can configure all the major features
and functions of the Internet Gateway.
They include: DHCP Server Settings,
Virtual Server Settings, Routing Settings,
Filter Settings, Administration Settings,
Dynamic DNS Settings, URL Filter
Settings and E-Mail ALERT
System Tools (chapter 6) The System Tools section detects the
status of the Internet Gateway, such as
Intruder Detection Log, Display Routing
Table, System Diagnostics, Save Settings,
Load Settings, Upgrade Firmware and
Reset Device
Help (chapter 7) A help section for the Internet Gateway