User's Manual

Pre-configured key [WEP]
You can also create encryption keys manually by pulling down the Key Length menu and select
either 64bit or 128bit encryption method in the Pre-configured key section of this menu.
For 64bit encryption you may choose:
Alphanumeric: entering 5 characters (case sensitive) ranging from “a-z”, “A-Z” and
“0-9” (e.g. MyKey).
Hexadecimal: entering 10 hexadecimal digits in the range of “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9”
(e.g. 11AA22BB33, showed as below).
For 128bit encryption you may choose:
Alphanumeric: entering 13 characters (case sensitive) ranging from “a-z”, “A-Z” and
“0-9” (e.g. MyKey12345678).
Hexadecimal: entering 26 hexadecimal digits in the range of “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9”
(e.g. 00112233445566778899AABBCC).
After you type, the utility uses an algorithm to generate 4 keys automatically. The Key index field
allows you specify which of the four keys you use to transmit data on your wireless LAN. You can
change the default key by clicking on the up or down arrow and make sure the default key is set up
exactly the same on the Wireless LAN stations as they are on the wireless Access Points.
After entering the WEP keys in the key field, click the OK button to make the setting take effect.
TKIP: A greatly enhanced wireless encryption scheme. Designed to enhance protection by most
popular WPA-capable devices. When TKIP is enabled, the key value will be generated
automatically for data private.
AES: A sophisticated wireless encryption scheme. Designed to increase the strength and
complexity of wireless encryption. When AES is enabled, the key value will be generated
automatically for data private.
If the Security you are configuring requires authentication, simply go to the IEEE802.1X
Authentication section of this menu to choose an EAP type.