User Manual

z-Q6 manual
Important note: None of the z-Q6's controls will work until you return from master bypass
Adjusting Wordwidth and Sample Rate
96.0 96.0 96.0 (M knob)
(R knob)24dith
Figure 7 - wordwidth/sample rate mode
Press the wordwidth/sample rate button to get to the wordwidth/sample rate mode. The display
will appear as in Figure 7. As prompted by the display, the sample rates are controlled by the
middle knob and the wordwidths are controlled by the right knob. Use the button below the
indicated channel group names to select the group of interest, and an asterisk will appear to
indicate the selection.
The wordwidth for each channel group can be controlled independently. There are six settings for
each wordwidth:
24 bits dithered
24 bits undithered
20 bits dithered
20 bits undithered
16 bits dithered
16 bits undithered
16 bits POW-r #2
16 bits POW-r #3
The dither used is a variant of flat TPDF dither, while POW-r #2 and #3 are noise shaping curves.
The following sample rates can be selected:
44.1 kHz
48.0 kHz
88.2 kHz
96.0 kHz