User's Manual

Zalpha User Manual, Release 1.1.0
Fig. 3.8: Manual Charging Cable
Fig. 3.9: Zalpha is docked to the Charging Station.
3.6 Getting Started
Step 1
After unpacking Zalpha, check for any damage on the AGV. If damage on the AGV is found, please
contact the authorised personnel immediately. The examples of damage are cracked LCD Touch-
screen, dented AGV body, broken bumper cushion etc. If everything is fine, press the ON/OFF
button on the Panel for 2s to power on the AGV. If the AGV is unable to power on, turn the Reset
Key switch and try again. After the green light of the ON/OFF button lit, Zalpha will take approxi-
mately 20s to power up. When the LCD Touchscreen shows NavWiz Boot Screen, Zalpha is ready
for action.
Note Zalpha will not be able to power on if the Reset Key switch is in OFF
3.6. Getting Started 14