Owner's manual

3. Turn the programme knob until the programme mark-
er is aligned with the programme you want to set.
The on/off indicator comes on.
The phase indicators of the set programme start to
4. Press the start button. The programme starts.
The start indicator comes on.
Only the indicator of the phase in operation stays
Starting a programme with delay start
1. Set the programme.
2. Press the delay button to delay the start of the pro-
gramme of 3 hours. The delay indicator comes on.
3. Press the start button. The countdown starts.
The start indicator comes on.
The phase indicators of the set programme go off.
When the countdown is completed, the programme
The indicator of the phase in operation comes on.
Opening the door while the appliance operates
If you open the door, the appliance stops. When you close
the door, the appliance continues from the point of inter-
Cancelling the delay start while the countdown operates
1. Press and hold the start button until the start indicator
and the delay indicator go off.
The phase indicators of the set programme start to
2. Press the start button. The programme starts.
The start indicator comes on.
Only the indicator of the phase in operation stays
Cancelling the programme
Press and hold the start button until the start indicator
goes off and the phase indicators for the programme start
to flash.
Make sure that there is detergent in the detergent
dispenser before you start a new programme.
At the end of the programme
When the programme is completed, the end indicator
comes on.
1. To deactivate the appliance, turn the programme knob
until the programme marker is aligned with the on/off
2. Open the appliance door.
3. Close the water tap.
For better drying results, keep the appliance door ajar
for some minutes.
Let the dishes become cold before you remove them
from the appliance. Hot dishes can be easily damaged.
First remove the items from the lower basket, then from
the upper basket.
There can be water on the sides and on the door of
the appliance. Stainless steel becomes cool more
quickly than the dishes.
Care and cleaning
Before maintenance, deactivate the appliance and discon-
nect the mains plug from the mains socket.
Dirty filters and clogged spray arms decrease the
washing results.
Make a check regularly and, if necessary, clean them.
Cleaning the filters