User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Zaxcom TRXLA3
Audio Menu
The dynamics is a soft knee compressor that is located after the analog to digital converter which will limit
the dynamic range to prevent clipping during occurrences of loud audio. Dynamics is comprised of both a
compressor and an expander, which operate jointly
. The compressor in the dynamics can set to mild or
extreme compression and features a soft knee for more transparent operation.
To enter the Dynamics Menu
Press the INC or DEC key - “PARMS” (parameters) will be displayed on the right.
To move to the next parameter, press the MENU key.
To exit this page, hold the MENU key for 1 second.
Dynamics Parameters
Link L-R: OFF / ON: If using a stereo LA3 transmitter this links the left and right signal so if one side of the
signal needs compressing / expansion the other side will do the same to match.
Sets how gradual the signal level decreases after a signal reaches the threshold setting. This is typically set
to FAST.
Sets the speed in how fast the gain is reduced once the signal exceeds the threshold setting. This is typically
set to FAST.
CMP RATIO (Compressor Ratio): Valid range: 1.0: to 5.0:1, in 0.1 steps.
The amount of gain reduction is determined by the compressor ratio setting.
A compressor ratio for example of 2.0:1 means for every 1 dB above the compressor threshold the gain will
be reduced 2dB. A higher ratio setting makes the compressor more aggressive.
CMP THRESH (Compressor Threshold): Valid range: 0 to 96dB, in 1dB steps.
This sets the level in which gain reduction occurs.
CMP KNEE: (Compressor Soft Knee): Valid range: 0 to 20dB, In 1dB steps.
Sets the compressor's soft knee. A soft knee reduces “softens” the audible change from uncompressed to
compressed, this is useful especially for higher ratios where the changeover is more noticeable
EXP RATIO (Expansion Ratio): Valid range: 1:1.00 to 1:4.00, In 0.01 steps
Sets the expansion ratio. For example a 1:2.0 expansion ratio means for every 1 dB below the expansion
threshold the gain will be reduced 2dB.
EXP THRESH (Expansion Threshold): Valid range: 0 to 96dB, in 1dB steps.
Sets the threshold above which gain reduction occurs.
REDUCE (Expander Gain Reduction): Valid range: 0 to 36dB, in 1dB steps.
This sets the limit on the amount of gain reduction caused by the expander.
GAIN (Make-up Gain): Valid range: 0 to 30dB, In 1dB steps.
Gain is used to compensate for the gain reduction caused by the compressor. Because the compressor is
reducing the gain (or level) of the signal, the ability to add a fixed amount of make-up gain at the output is
provided so that an optimum level can be reached.