Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
USB Interface
TGCS (IBM) USB Direct I/O Beep
Parameter # 1360 (SSI # 550h)
The host can send a direct I/O beep request to the scanner. If you select Ignore Direct I/O Beep, the
scanner does not sound beeps on this command. All directives are still acknowledged to the USB host as
if they were processed.
TGCS (IBM) USB Beep Directive
The host can send a beeper configuration request to the scanner. Scan Ignore Beep Directive to prevent
the scanner from processing the host request. All directives are still acknowledged to the USB host as if
they were processed.
TGCS (IBM) USB Barcode Configuration Directive
The host can enable and disable code types. Scan Ignore Barcode Configuration Directive to prevent
the scanner from processing the host request. All directives are still acknowledged to the USB host as if
they were processed.
*Honor Direct IO Beep
Ignore Direct IO Beep
Honor Beep Directive
*Ignore Beep Directive Page 178 Monday, June 1, 2020 5:43 PM
Draft v 10