Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
SSI Interface
Software Handshaking
Parameter # 159 (SSI # 9Fh)
This parameter offers control of data transmission in addition to the control hardware handshaking offers.
Hardware handshaking is always enabled; you cannot disable it.
Disable ACK/NAK Handshaking: When this option is selected, the digital scanner neither
generates nor expects ACK/NAK handshaking packets.
Enable ACK/NAK Handshaking: When this option is selected, after transmitting data, the digital
scanner expects either an ACK or NAK response from the host. The digital scanner also ACKs or
NAKs messages from the host.
The digital scanner waits up to the programmable Host Serial Response Time-out to receive an ACK
or NAK. If the digital scanner does not get a response in this time, it resends its data up to two times
before discarding the data and declaring a transmit error.
Decode Data Packet Format
Parameter # 238 (SSI # EEh)
This parameter selects whether to transmit decoded data in raw format (unpacketed), or with the packet
format defined by the serial protocol.
Disable ACK/NAK
*Enable ACK/NAK
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Draft v 10