Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
Radio Communications
Digital Scanner(s) To Cradle Support
Pairing is the process by which a digital scanner initiates communication with a cradle. Scanning
Multipoint-to-Point activates multi digital scanner-to-cradle operation and allows up to seven digital
scanners to pair to one cradle.
To pair the digital scanner with the cradle, scan the pairing barcode. A high/low/high/low beep sequence
indicates that the pairing barcode was decoded. When a connection between the cradle and digital
scanner is established, a low/high beep sounds.
Pairing Modes
Parameter # 542 (SSI # F1h 1Eh)
When operating with the cradle, two modes of pairing are supported:
Locked Pairing Mode - When a cradle is paired (connected) to the digital scanner (or up to seven
digital scanners in Multipoint-to-Point mode), any attempt to connect a different digital scanner, by
either scanning the PAIR barcode on the cradle or by inserting it into the cradle with the pairing on
contacts feature enabled (<em_Emphasis><bl_blue>page 9-73), is rejected. The currently
connected digital scanner(s) maintain connection. In this mode, you must set a
<bl_blue><em_Emphasis>Connection Maintenance Interval on page 9-75.
Unlocked Pairing Mode - Unlocking works in Point-to-Point mode only. Pair (connect) a new digital
scanner to a cradle at any time by either scanning the PAIR barcode on the cradle or by inserting it
into the cradle with the pairing on contacts feature enabled. This unpairs the previous digital scanner
from the cradle.
To set the cradle pairing mode, scan the appropriate barcode below.
note 1. The pairing barcode that connects the digital scanner to a cradle is unique to each cradle.
2. Do not scan data or parameters until pairing completes.
3. Only when the digital scanner is paired to the cradle, it automatically tries to reconnect to a remote
device when a disconnection occurs that is due to the radio losing communication. For more information
see <bl_blue><em_Emphasis>Auto-Reconnect Feature on page 9-64.
*Unlocked Pairing Mode
Locked Pairing Mode
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