Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
Imaging Preferences
Image Cropping
Parameter # 301 (SSI # F0h 2Dh)
This parameter crops a captured image. Select Disable Image Cropping to present the full 1280 x 960
pixels. Select Enable Image Cropping to crop the image to the pixel addresses set in
<bl_blue><em_Emphasis>Crop to Pixel Addresses on page 11-152.
Crop to Pixel Addresses
Parameter # 315 (SSI # F4h F0h 3Bh) (Top)
Parameter # 316 (SSI # F4h F0h 3Ch) (Left)
Parameter # 317 (SSI # F4h F0h 3Dh) (Bottom)
Parameter # 318 (SSI # F4h F0h 3Eh) (Right)
If you selected Enable Image Cropping, set the pixel addresses from (0,0) to (1259 x 959) to crop to.
Columns are numbered from 0 to 1279, rows from 0 to 959. Specify four values for Top, Left, Bottom, and
Right, where Top and Bottom correspond to row pixel addresses, and Left and Right correspond to column
pixel addresses. For example, for a 4 row x 8 column image in the extreme bottom-right section of the
image set the following values:
Top = 796, Bottom = 959, Left = 1272, Right = 1279
To set the crop to pixel address, scan each pixel address barcode below followed by four numeric
barcodes representing the value. Leading zeros are required. For example, to crop the top pixel address to
3, scan 0, 0, 0, 3. See <em_Emphasis><bl_blue>Appendix G, Numeric Barcodes for numeric barcodes.
The defaults are:
Top = 0, Bottom = 959, Left = 0, Right = 1279
Enable Image Cropping
*Disable Image Cropping
(Use Full 1280 x 960 Pixels)
note The digital scanner has a cropping resolution of 4 pixels. Setting the cropping area to less than 4 pixels
(after resolution adjustment, see <bl_blue><em_Emphasis>Image Size (Number of Pixels) on page
11-154) transfers the entire image. Page 152 Monday, June 1, 2020 5:43 PM
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