Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
SSI Interface
The digital scanner resends data two times after the initial send if the host fails to reply with an ACK or
NAK (if ACK/NAK handshaking is enabled).
Response Time-out, ACK/NAK Handshake
If you use PARAM_SEND to change these serial parameters, the ACK response to the PARAM_SEND
uses the previous values for these parameters. The new values then take effect for the next transaction.
The digital scanner issues a communication error when:
Failure to receive an ACK or NAK after initial transmit and two resends.
Things to Remember When Using SSI Communication
There is a permanent/temporary bit in the PARAM_SEND message. Removing power from the digital
scanner discards temporary changes. Permanent changes are written to non-volatile memory. Frequent
changes shorten the life of the non-volatile memory. Page 188 Monday, June 1, 2020 5:43 PM
Draft v 10