Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
CKJ Decode Control
CJK Output Method to Windows Host
Parameter # 972
For a national standard encoded CJK barcode, select one of the following options for CJK output to a
Windows host:
Universal CJK Output - This is the default universal CJK output method for US English IME or
Chinese/Japanese/Korean ASCII IME on a Windows host. This method converts CJK characters to
Unicode and emulates the characters when transmitting to the host. Use the Unicode Output Control
parameter to control Unicode output.
NOTE: To support universal CJK output, set up the registry table for the Windows host. See Unicode/CJK
Decode Setup with Windows Host on page 470.
Other options for CJK output - With the following methods, the scanner sends the CJK character
hexadecimal internal code (Nei Ma) value to host, or converts the CJK character to Unicode and sends
the hexadecimal Unicode value to host. When using these methods, the Windows host must select the
corresponding IME to accept the CJK character. See Unicode/CJK Decode Setup with Windows Host
on page 470.
Japanese Unicode Output
Simplified Chinese GBK Code Output
Simplified Chinese Unicode Output
Korean Unicode Code Output
Traditional Chinese Big5 Code Output (Windows XP)
Traditional Chinese Big5 Code Output (Windows 7)
Traditional Chinese Unicode Code Output (Windows XP)
Traditional Chinese Unicode Code Output (Windows 7)
NOTE: The Unicode emulate output method depends on the host system (Windows XP or
Windows 7).
*Universal CJK Output
Japanese Unicode Output
(for Japanese Unicode Output, select Simplified Chinese
Unicode IME on the Windows host) Page 465 Monday, June 1, 2020 5:43 PM
Draft v 10