Quick Start Guide

MC2200/MC2700 Quick Start Guide
Back View
3 Power Button Turns the display on and off. Press and hold to reset the device or
power off.
Battery/Charging Status
Charging/Notification LED
Indicates battery charging status while charging and application
generated notifications.
5 Scan Indicator Indicates a successful or unsuccessful scan.
6 Touch Screen Displays all information needed to operate the device.
7 Scan Button Initiates data capture when a scan application is enabled.
Table 1 Front View Features (continued)
Number Item Function
Table 2 Back View Features
Number Item Function
Scanner Lens
Exit Window
Provides data capture using the imager.
9 NFC Antenna Provides communication with other NFC-enabled devices.
MN-00xxxx-01EN_mc2200-mc2700-qsg-en.fm Page 13 Monday, August 10, 2020 2:48 PM
Draft v4