Cleaning Instructions

Maintanence and Troubleshooting
Cleaning the Device
Thoroughly wipe the housing, including all buttons and triggers, using an approved alcohol wipe.
The display can be wiped down with an approved alcohol wipe, but care should be taken not to allow any
pooling of liquid around the edges of the display. Immediately dry the display with a soft, non-abrasive cloth to
prevent streaking.
Camera and Exit Window
Wipe the camera and exit window periodically with a lens tissue or other material suitable for cleaning optical
material such as eyeglasses.
Cleaning Battery Connectors
To clean the battery connectors:
1. Remove the main battery from the mobile computer.
2. Dip the cotton portion of the cotton-tipped applicator in isopropyl alcohol.
3. To remove any grease or dirt, rub the cotton portion of the cotton-tipped applicator back-and-forth across
the connectors on the battery and terminal sides. Do not leave any cotton residue on the connectors.
4. Repeat at least three times.
5. Use a dry cotton-tipped applicator and repeat steps 3 and 4. Do not leave any cotton residue on the
6. Inspect the area for any grease or dirt and repeat the cleaning process if necessary.
After cleaning the battery connectors with bleach-based chemicals, follow the Battery Connector Cleaning in
structions to remove bleach from the connectors.
Cleaning Cradle Connectors
To clean the connectors on a cradle:
1. Remove the DC power cable from the cradle.
2. Dip the cotton portion of the cotton-tipped applicator in isopropyl alcohol.
3. Rub the cotton portion of the cotton-tipped applicator along the pins of the connector. Slowly move the
applicator back-and-forth from one side of the connector to the other. Do not leave any cotton residue on
the connector.
4. All sides of the connector should also be rubbed with the cotton-tipped applicator.
5. Remove any lint left by the cotton-tipped applicator.
6. If grease and other dirt can be found on other areas of the cradle, use a lint-free cloth and alcohol to