Operating instructions

MC 80
Carl Zeiss
B 40-036 e 03/99 2-23
Data format F-Count (frame counter)
This data format is coupled to film advance.
Every film advance increases the frame count
displayed by 1. Frame counts that can be
exposed range from “01” to “99”.
Frame no. 32 of the film appears as “32”.
Upon installation of a 35 mm Mot
film cassette with newly loaded film, the film leader is
automatically wound to frame number “01”.
When changing 35 mm Mot
film cassettes:
Assuming you remove a film cassette at a frame count of, e.g., "08" and replace it with another
cassette previously used up, e.g., to frame "24”.
The frame counter will still show and expose “08”!
You need to enter the current frame count of the newly installed film cassette.
The frame count will increase by 1 with every film advance even if you are exposing a different
data format in between, or if the data field is in OFF state.
Data format S-Count (Special counter)
This data format allows you to expose letters or signs on the first 3 digits and numerals on the
following 5 digits. The 5-digit number is coupled to film feed; it counts on with every film advance,
starting with the last digit.
Characters that can be exposed:
Letters from “A” to “Z”, or signs + - * / .
Frame numbers from “00000” to “99999”.
The frame counter will retain the current reading even after loading a new film and winding the
leader to the first frame, as well as after changing the 35 mm Mot
film cassette.
This way it is possible, e.g., to provide test
series exposures with a common identifier and
a continuous count number.
Example: Exposure no. 153 of test series
ABC appears as “ABC00153”.
The frame count will increase by 1 with every film advance even if you are exposing a different
data format in between, or if the data field is in OFF state.