Operation Manual

It is also possible to configure two special levels of luminosity than can be activated through 1-bit
communication objects ("[General] Display lighting 1 and 2") or through scenes (via the specific
object for scenes). Moreover, it can be configured the desired luminosity level for each special level
(from 1 to 10).
Figure 3.3. Luminosity function
Touch blocking. This function allows blocking and unblocking the ZAS buttons. The
following fields can be configured:
Blocking method: by means of the 1-bit object "[General] Touch block", with value
“0” or “1”, configurable, via scenes (configurable scene number 1-64) or automatic
blocking establishing the time to pass between the last key-press and the automatic
blocking (time to block, in seconds).
Unblocking method: by means of the 1-bit object "[General] Touch unblock", with
value “0” or “1”, configurable, via scenes (configurable scene number 1-64) or pressing
the ZAS, which also allows a welcome object sending (1-bit object or scene).
Block IR as well?: option to block the remote control at the same time with the touch
panel ("Yes").