Operation Manual

The configuration options for the individual operation of the buttons are the following:
1 bit: it allows sending the value “0”, “1”, or toggle between them. There is an associated
1-bit communication object called "[Bx] Binary control" The LED of the button will light when a
"1" is sent and it will be off when sending a "0". If the Toggle option is selected, the parameter
"LED lighting" will appear. This parameter enables the Regular lighting, during some seconds
when the button is pressed, or Status-dependent lighting, where the LED of the button will
light while the object status is “1” and it will remain switched off when the object status is “0”.
Scene: it allows the configuration of the button for running a scene or running and saving
a scene. The value of the configured scene will be sent by means of the general object
"[General] Scenes: send".
1 bit (Press & Release): it allows sending to the KNX bus a binary value ("0" or "1") via
the 1-bit object "[Bx] Binary control: press" while the button is pressed and the sending of the
same value (or another) when it is released, via the object "[Bx] Binary control: release".
1 byte constant: it allows sending a 1 byte fixed value when the button is pressed, via
the object "[Bx] 1-byte value". The range is 0 to 255.
2 byte constant (unsigned integer): it allows sending a 2 bytes fixed unsigned integer
value when the button is pressed, via the object "[Bx] 2-byte (unsigned integer) value". The
range is 0 to 65535.
2 byte constant (floating point): it allows sending a 2 bytes fixed floating point value
when the button is pressed, via the object "[Bx] 2-byte (floating point) value". The range is 0 to