Operation Manual

Enumeration: allows sending a numerical value (0-255) via the object "[Bxy]
Enumeration" associated to the couple of buttons. Up to 6 values can be configured for the
enumeration (Value 1-Value 6). It is necessary to introduce a label for each value in order to
enable them in the enumeration menu. When pressing the right and left button, the different
labels will be shown in the display and their value sent to the bus. First press will show the
current value of the control.
The selected value can be changed using short presses or maintaining the button pressed.
Temperature: allows controlling a temperature value (between 0 and 100ºC). This
functionality has associated a 2-byte communication object: "[Bxy] Temperature control".
Decrease button: a short press decreases the temperature 0.5 by 0.5ºC. A long press
decreases the temperature value 1 by 1ºC.
Increase button: a short press increases the temperature 0.5 by 0.5ºC. A long press
increases the temperature value 1 by 1ºC.