User's Manual

Calories will be counted fr om 5
bpm above t his value.
You need to be wearing t he
tr ansm itt er and m onitor, and
have heart r at e swit ched on.
Move t o the Cal m ain scr een.
Press and hold SCAN t o set t he
curr ent displayed hear t rate as
your AHR.
Note: if your heart rate is
above 120bpm , the monitor
will default t o the set t ing
already st ored.
Tra ining w it h you r I m pulse
Exercising at t he r ight heart
rate int ensity, is key t o
m eet ing your fitness and
per form ance goals. The fir st
st ep is t o find out y our
m aximum heart rat e ( MHR).
Using a form ula based on age
or taking a sport- specific
ex ercise assessment does this.
The form ulas:
- Sedent ary indiv iduals use
220 m inus your age to
calculate your approxim ate
m aximum .
- I f y ou exercise/ t r ain
aerobically 3 or m ore t im es a
week, use 205 minus half
your age.
Exam ple for a person aged 30
220- 30= 19 0 beats per m inute
( bpm)
I n t en sit y of Exe r cise
I f you ar e a beginner with t he
goal of im proving overall
fitness, losing weight or
reducing stress, exercise in the
healthy hear t zone, which is
50- 59 per cent of your
m aximum heart rat e.
I f you already exercise
regularly and are aiming to
lose body fat , exercise in t he
fat burning zone, w hich is 60-
69 per cent of your maxim um
heart rate.
I f your goal is to im pr ove
aerobic capacity or at hlet ic
per form ance, exercise in t he
aerobic zone, which is 70- 79
per cent of your maxim um
heart rate.
Com petit ive athlet es usually
incorporat e int er val t r aining
sessions int o their progr amm e
in the anaerobic threshold
zone, which is usually between
80- 89 per cent of m axim um
heart rate. This high intensity