User's Manual

Press SELECT t o move to day
of the w eek.
Press and release ST./ FW D t o
adv ance, or SCAN to m ove
back the day of the week.
Press SELECT t o move to
m onth.
Press and release ST./ FW D t o
increase, or SCAN t o decrease
the m onth.
Press SELECT t o move to dat e.
Press and release ST./ FW D t o
increase, or SCAN t o decrease
the dat e.
Sett in g daily alar m
Press SELECT t o move to
daily/ hourly alarm .
Press and release ST./ FW D t o
select t he alarm from either
hourly chim e only; daily alarm
only; both on; both off.
Press SELECT t o move to daily
alarm hours.
Press and release ST./ FW D t o
increase, or SCAN t o decrease
the hours.
Press SELECT t o move to daily
alarm m inutes.
Press and release ST./ FW D t o
increase, or SCAN t o decrease
the m inutes.
Sett in g t he he ar t ra t e zone
Fu sion 2 0 / 3 0 has a
program mable target zone,
m aking it easier to contr ol t he
intensity of your workout ( see
Training with your Fusion for
suggested zone select ion) .
Caut ion: The default heart zone
sett ings ar e not intended as
suggested or r ecom mended
upper and lower zone v alues.
These values should be
carefully adj usted according to
your fitness level.
Press SELECT t o move to the
heart zone high sett ing.
Press and release ST./ FW D t o
increase or SCAN to decrease,
to set t he required num ber.
Press SELECT t o move to the
heart zone low sett ing.
Press and release ST./ FW D t o
increase or SCAN to decrease,
to set t he required num ber.
Note: There is always a 5 beat
per m inute difference bet w een
the high and low limit.