User's Manual

Page 23
Heart Zone
Training Concepts
Based on Heart Rate Monitor Book for Indoor and
Outdoor Cyclists by Sally Edwards and Sally Reed.
A. Definition: A physical, mental and emotional fitness
system which maximizes your training, minimizes your
time, and results in measurable cardiovascular health
B. Heart Zone Training (HZT): A system of setting
goals, then organizing and executing around them by
using a range of heartbeats.
C. Principles:
1. HZT is an individualized and personalized program
2. HZT makes it easier to manage now that you can
measure and monitor
3. HZT insures that multiple zones give you multiple
4. HZT is a wellness continuum from health fitness
5. HZT is a complete system of cardiovascular
Heart Rate Terms
Maximum HR: the highest number of contractions of the
heart muscle in one minute. You can determine your MHR
by the following calculation:
220 - [10% body weight (lbs.) / 2] + 4 (Male) or 0 (Female) = MHR
Delta HR: the difference in heart rate with a change in
body position.