Installation Instructions

Carbon Filter
A built-in carbon Įůƚer protects your beverages by acƟŶŐ as a natural barrier against harmful odors.
Internal Fan
This is an air-cooled unit equipped with an internal fan that maintains a consistent internal temperature.
Installing Your Beverage Cooler
The beverage cooler should be installed in accordance with local electrical code requirements. It
should also be placed in a ůŽĐĂƟŽŶ that is strong enough to support its total weight, keeping in mind that it
will weigh ƐƵďƐƚĂŶƟĂůůLJ more when fully loaded than when empty.
Before you plug the beverage cooler into a power supply, be sure to let it stand upright for at least 24
hours to allow the compressor’s oils to seƩůe.
Note: The carbon Įůƚer should be replaced every 3-6 months depending on the unit’s exposure level to
odor. If the unit is placed in a kitchen, regular replacement every three (3) months is ideal.
Tip: Gather the model and serial number from the product label and write them down before installing the
beverage cooler.
Warning: Use two or more people to move and install the beverage cooler. Failure to do so can result
in back or other injury. Carefully remove the packaging materials. Remove any shipping tape and glue from
your beverage cooler before using. Do not use sharp instruments, rubbing alcohol, ŇĂŵŵĂďůe ŇƵŝĚƐ
or abrasive cleaners to remove tape or glue. These products can damage the surface of your beverage
Important: Do not remove any safety, warning, or product inforŵĂƟŽŶ labels from your beverage
Carbon Filter Replacement Part #: Z0F-C007