Owner's Manual

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Important Health Precautions
The following conditions do not necessarily exclude you
from using the G14 Home, however, if you suffer from
any of the following conditions please confirm with your
physician before using the machine:
Serious cardiovascular disease
Metal implants
Artificial joints
Severe diabetes
Recent infections
Severe migraines
Malignant tumors
Recently placed IUD’s, metal pins, or plate
Recently implanted stents
Conditions that are not suitable for use on the
Hypervibe machine include:
Acute thrombosis
Acute hernia
Gallbladder or kidney stones
Recent wounds from an operation or surgery
Recent fractures
Acute inflammation or pain
If you experience chest pains, nausea, dizziness or
shortness of breath, stop exercising immediately and
consult your physician before continuing.
We do not recommend use for children unless your