Owner's Manual

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Sometimes locked knees may be instructed for lower
intensity vibration therapy exercises.
The G14 Home has a pivotal platform, which means
the platform vibrates in the same motion as a see-saw.
For standing exercises where both feet are on the
platform your feet should be kept at equal distance
from the middle platform pivotal point.
There are some exercises where should use the
Hypervibe Step Mat or similar product, such as
kneeling, planking, and sitting exercises. Some users
will prefer a mat for upper body exercises where hands
are on the platform but be aware that this will also
reduce the intensity to a degree. You may also wish to
use the Hypervibe workout mat when lying on the floor
in front for your comfort and protection.
For safety and maximum vibration transfer to the body,
wear socks or thin-soled rubber shoes. Bare feet or
hands on the platform be the most efficient transfer of
vibration but can cause blistering. Thicker soled shoes
will absorb vibration and reduce the amount of
vibration transferred to the body, and hard soled
shoes can cause the user to “skid”.