User's Manual

User's Manual
Table 6-2 Status
Parameter Value
Temporary Deactivate
The status for whether the functions of the input expander are
enabled or disabled.
: Enable.
: Only disable tamper alarm.
: Disable.
Temperature The temperature of the environment.
Signal Strength
The signal strength between the hub and the input expander.
: Low.
: Weak.
: Good.
: Excellent.
: No.
Battery Level
The battery level of the detector.
: Fully charged.
: Sufficient.
: Moderate.
: Insufficient.
: Low.
Anti-tampering Status Anti-tampering status of the input expander.
Online Status
Online and offline status of the input expander.
: Online.
: Offline.
Entrance Delay Time
Entrance and exit delay time.
Exit Delay Time
24 H Protection Zone
Active status of the 24 h protection zone.
: Enabled.
: Disabled.
Relay Status
Program Version The program version of the input expander.