User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Temp Monitoring
Auto: Uses a face heat map for face recognition; if heat maps
are not found, it will automatically change to calibration mode.
Thermogram: Uses only a heat map for face recognition and
temperature monitoring.
alibration: Uses a white light image of a face for face
recognition, and then extract and apply the coordinates on the
face heat map for temperature monitoring.
Only certain models support this parameter.
Thermogram Display
Display a heat map at the upper-left corner.
Only certain models support this parameter.
Mask Mode
No detect: Mask is not detected during face recognition.
Mask reminder: Mask is detected during face recognition. If
the person is detected without wearing a mask, the system will
prompt mask reminder and passage is allowed.
Mask intercept: Mask is detected during face recognition. If
the person is detected without wearing a mask, the system will
prompt mask reminder and passage is not allowed.
Draw Target
Click Draw Target, and then you can draw the minimum face
detection frame.
Click Remove All, and you can remove all the frames you drew.
Detect Region
Click Detect Region, move your mouse, and you can adjust the face
detection region.
Click Remove All, and you can remove all the detection regions.
Click OK to finish the setting.
Network Setting
3.11.1 TCP/IP
You need to configure IP address and DNS server to make sure that the access controller can
communicate with other devices.
Make sure that the access controller is connected to the network correctly.
Log in to the web interface.
Select Network Setting > TCP/IP.