User's Manual

Finder User Guide | 0086-0579-82273989
b. First Layer Height
When printed with thinner layers, comparative thicker bottom layer could improve
adhesion and tolerance for non-perfect build plates.
a. Base Print Speed: The fiducial value of extuders movement speed during
printing(For subsequent speeds counting ). With a lower speed, the printer can build an
objects with higher resolution and more smoothness.
b. Speed at which extruder moves when not extruding filament.
c. Minimum Speed: The minimum extruders movement speed during printing
d. First Layer Maximum Speed: The max printing speed for printing the first
layer(Note: It’s invalid to the model which has a raft )
e. First Layer Maximum Travel Speed: The max travel speed for printing the first
layer(Note: It’s invalid to the model which has a raft )
It displays the temperature of “Extruder”.
a. Retraction Length: Amount of retraction. Retraction can help users reduce stringing
or oozing during printing. (The default value shall be suggested.)
b. Speed: Speed at which the filament is retracted. The default value shall be
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