User's Manual

Finder User Guide | 0086-0579-82273989
a . Enable Raft: Enable to print raft during printing. Raft could help the model stick to
the build plate.
b. Margin: The distance between raft’s outline and outline of model’s first layer. If the
raft is enabled, the extra raft area around the object is also enabled. Increasing the
margin will create a stranger raft while using more materials and leaving less area for
your object.
c. Space to Model(Z): The gap between the raft top and the model’s first layer.
a . Enable Pre-extrusion: Enable the extruder to pre-extrusion until .
b. Space to Model: The maximum distance between the pre-extruded filament and
model’s first layer.
C.Path Length: The filament length of pre-extrusion.
d. Speed: The printing speed of pre-extrusion.
a. Enable Wall: Enable the extruder to print wall during printing. Enabling wall can
prevent the object from stringing or oozing to some extent.
b. Shell Count: To control the printing laps for support shell.
c. Space to Model: The minimum distance between the wall and model.
d. Speed: Speed at which the wall is printed.