Use Manual

Baby Monnitor
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8. Installation Instruction
Mount the camera on wall with a retaning screw
Matters Need Attention
1) 本机不含可修部分装置,请不要擅自拆设备。
This machine does not contain repairing part of the device, please do not disassemble the equipment
without permission.
2) 本产品安装、调试必须由专业人员施行,注意穿戴手套,防止安装时被螺丝伤到。
The installation and debugging of this product must be carried out by professional personnel. Please pay
attention to wearing gloves to prevent from being hurt by screws during installation.
3) 如果设备出现任何问题,请与当地供应商联系,请勿擅自拆开装置进行维修。
If there is any problem with the equipment, please contact the local supplier. Please do not disassemble
the device for repair without permission.
4) 注意防水及不要使本装置长时间处于潮湿的地方使用,以影响电路板和机器的寿命。
Pay attention to waterproof and do not keep the device in a humid place for a long time to affect the
circuit board and machine life.
5) 请不要用湿抹布或挥发性清洁剂清洁本设备。
Please do not use a wet rag or volatile cleaner to clean the equipment.
6) 请小心使用本机器,避免碰撞及强烈的震动。
Please use the machine carefully to avoid collision and strong vibration.
7) 机器长时间通电运行,装置上的微量发热属于正常现象。
The machine runs on electricity for a long time, and the slight heating on the device is normal.
8) 如遇雷雨天气,建议暂时断开电源适配器,以避免意外事故的发生。
In case of thunderstorm, it is recommended to disconnect the power adapter to avoid