Zildjian A Custom Fast splashes and crashes

the edge of each cymbal. Small
hammer marks are visible beneath
the lathing belts and these are again
arranged in tidy, closely formed
clusters. A similar profi le, consisting
of a gentle taper leading down from
the bell, is shared by all the cymbals.
The 18" crash possesses a slightly more
pronounced bell than the other models,
but conforms in all other visual aspects.
Quick as a fl ash
The cymbals are described in the
Zildjian catalogue as having a brilliant
nish and have been buffed to a warm
golden hue. The lathing in uences
the surface detail to the degree that
the sort of mirror smooth fi nish worn
by other A Custom cymbals is not
possible, but they do refl ect light
very ef ciently. Under stage lights the
lathing bands encourage a shimmering
effect which is magnifi ed when the
cymbals are struck.
Splashes are, by their very nature,
inherently fast cymbals, so the three
new Fast splashes seemed like a logical
place to start. They are available in
diameters of 8", 10" and 12" and all are
described as having the quickest decay
of any Zildjian splash. The 8" is, need
I say it, blindingly quick. Its thinness
does endow it with an interestingly low
note beneath the opening splash, and
the overall effect is not jarring in the
way that some tiny splashes can be.
The 10" splash is very impressive,
delivering a lovely mix of silvery splash
and harmonious note. The 12" model
opens just as rapidly and spills out
a very smooth sounding attack that
decays equally quickly. As with all of
these cymbals, the brightness present
is lacking in any harshness, which
makes them sound very musical.
The splashes sit very well
together, especially the 10"
and 12" examples.
Fast talking
The crashes start immediately
where the splashes leave off with
a 14" Fast crash and thereafter go
up in 1" progressions to 18", making a
total of fi ve models. The 14" crash is
still extremely quick but its larger
size does mean it sounds bigger and
more rounded than the splashes. It
is, without a doubt, quite high-pitched
for a crash, but as with the splashes,
there is nothing shrill or brittle about
its tonality.
Moving up to the 15" crash brings
a slight lowering in pitch along with
a small increase in volume and the
cymbal merges well with the 14" model.
The step up to the 16" is an altogether
louder proposition. The pitch moves
down pleasantly and the cymbal has
authority, but is well balanced, tonally
sweet and still very fast. The 17" and 18"
models notch the volume up further
with each extra inch and accordingly
possess a little more clout. Though
they are still impressively quick and
refi ned in their opening attack, a
deeper and more reverberant note is
contained within the swell. Once the
initial wash whizzes away, the cymbal
is still vibrating – all of the energy is
snaking around the circumference
trying to escape. The undercurrent
is sympathetic to the pitch of each
Splashes are by their very nature inherently fast
cymbals and these have the quickest decay of
any Zildjian splash. The 8" is blindingly quick.
Extensive lathing
ensures that the
crashes are quick
and bright.
The new Fast splashes
and crashes are thinner than
other A Custom cymbals to
encourage a quick reaction.
Zildjian’s A Custom range is full of crisp and sophisticated
sounds, and the addition of the Fast splashes and crashes
continues very much in this vein. The complexity of creating
especially fast cymbals is evident among the bigger sizes,
where an undertone begins creeping in, and in this respect it’s
the smaller diameters that work best. The overall feel and function
of the cymbals suggests that they are not destined for the loudest of
musical situations. The instant punctuation they provide is suited to
the sort of tight, funky drummer who requires precision over power.
These are lean and modern sounding cymbals that are
impressively quick without being harsh or cutting.
While they are indeed fast, the emphasis on
speed brings limits to their versatility with it.
The exact formula
by which Zildjian cymbals
are cast has been a family
secret for centuries.
Brilliant and harmonious
tones bring the Fast
splashes to life.
cymbal, but is unmistakable against
the brightness that it chases. In a live
situation this trait would be hard to
discern, but during quiet moments
in a recording scenario it might be
a distraction.
RHY118.tt_zild 094RHY118.tt_zild 094 7/10/05 6:31:14 pm7/10/05 6:31:14 pm