User's Manual

Zinwave 2700 DAS – User Manual
Issue 1.2
April 2007
© Zinwave Ltd. 2007
4.3.2 Connecting to the CLI via Telnet
When a network connection to the HU is available, the CLI can be accessed via the
Telnet protocol. On a Windows based laptop/PC Telnet can be started via Start
Run telnet).
Figure 4-13: Serial connection via Telnet.
To open a connection to the hub unit type open <ip address> where
<ip address> should be replaced by the IP address of the HU.
A password is required to access the CLI using Telnet. If this is not known or if the HU
cannot be accessed, use the local RS232 interface to change the password or to
adjust the network settings.
NOTE The factory set password of the hub unit ispassword.
4.3.3 CLI Commands Overview
Table 3-2 shows a list of all available CLI commands. This list can be generated by
typing the command ?in the CLI. This chapter briefly introduces those commands
most important to set up the 2700 DAS. A more detailed description of all commands
can be found the Zinwave 2770 DAS – Software Manual.
Table 4-2: Overview of CLI commands for control of the HU.
Hub Commands Description Type
dlia <1-4> <0-31>
Downlink Input Attenuation R/W
uloa <1-4> <0-
Uplink Output Attenuation R/W
dc22 <1-2> <1/0>
Distribution Circuits(2x2) R/W
dc44 <1/0>
Distribution Circuit (4x4) R/W