User manual

AID, in compliance with the Customer Protection Law (Ley 23/2003, July 10th, of Warranty in the Sale of Consumer Goods, BOE no. 165, 11/07/2003), offers
Direct Warranty to Spain and Portugal customers for all our brands products: ZIPY, MUSE, NEW ONE, AC-RAYAN, TNB, BARKAN, BRASFORMA, THE
COMPLEMENTS, and GO BY ZIPY, under the following conditions:
A Our products have a two year warranty. During the first year original defects that may be detected are repaired. In those cases stipulated by law, the
buyer will be entitled to the replacement of the device by a new one, provided that the defects are not due to the negligence or exclusive fault of the buyer
in handling the device. During the second year the buyer will need to prove that the malfunctioning of the device is due to a manufacturing defect. In both
cases the warranty will apply provided that:
1. The product has been used for its destined purpose alone.
2. It was not opened, manipulated or altered in any way by someone other than the Official Technical Service.
3. It has not undergone shock, flood, overheating, electric overcharge or any other external circumstance that may constitute a possible reason of
INVALIDATING the warranty.
4. The product will be returned to AID in proper packaging together with the receipt where the brand and type of product, the date of the purchase, the
name and address of the shop that sold it and the reason for the malfunctioning should be clearly stated.