Use and Care Guide

Easy Cleaning Instructions
Rinsing is the most important part of sink care. A stainless steel sink finish will retain
its original bright appearance if the sink is rinsed thoroughly after each use. Running
the water from the spray hose for a few minutes will be thorough. Typically, a rinse
and towerl drying after each use take care of most everyday clean ups. Ideally, once
a week the sink should be scoured with a mildly abrasive cleaner, such as Comet.
Rubbing back and forth in the direction of the polish or grain lines will not only
remove stubborn stains and greasy film buildups, but will blend usage scratches into
the satin finish of the sink. After scouring, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.
Like most metals, your new stainless steel sink will scratch. These are merely usage
scratches and over time will blend into the overall finish of your sink with proper
Your sink is designed to serve as many things but not as a cutting board or chopping
block. This type of use will lead to deep scratches in the sink finish and will dull your
Water Quality
The quality of your water can affect your sink’s appearance. If your water has a high
iron content, a brown surface stain can form on the wink giving the appearance of
rust. Additionally, in areas with a high concentration of minerals, or with oversoftened
water, a white film may develop on the sink. To combat these problems, we suggest
that the sink be towel dried after use, and again, on a weekly basis, the sink should
be cleaned using a recommended cleanser.
Heavy salt concentration or foods containing high levels of salt should not be allowed
to dry on the sink surface. Rinse your sink thoroughly after use.
Care and Cleaning